Fatwa From Islamic Republic of Iran

Friday, 12 May 2017 08:14 Written by  font size decrease font size decrease font size increase font size increase font size

Question to the Scholar the Grand Ayatollah Nasir Makarim Shirazi (dza)



In the blessed presence of the Grand Ayatollah Nasir Makarim Shirazi (dza).

In the city of Marvdasht (in the Fars province), there are some Baha’is who have opened shops and the people there socialize and transact with them on a daily basis. For this reason, it is our request that you please provide answers to the following questions:

1.   Are the Baha’is Muslims or are they unbelievers and impure?

2.   What is the ruling regarding doing salam and shaking hands with them?

3.   What is the ruling regarding buying from their shops and selling things to them?

4.   Is it permissible to be present at their dinner table and to partake food prepared/offered by this deviant group?

 Replies from the Scholar


#1 – In His Name the Most High

Baha’is are a deviant group which is outside the category of Muslims and all kinds of relationship with them is prohibited except in instances when there is hope of their guidance. Be successful always…

#2 – In His Name the Most High

All people of the deviant group Baha’ism are considered to be unbelievers and impure. All food and things which come in wet contact with them must be avoided. It is also obligatory upon the believers that they should stand up and combat the plotting and corruption posed by this deviant group.

#3 & 4 – In His Name the Most High

They are impure and it is necessary to refrain from socializing with them. And Allah knows best.




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